Thursday, July 23, 2009

Women-Only Airsoft Teams: A Good Social Experiment?

By: Sherry Rashad

If you ask me, the idea of a female-only Airsoft club has already been out of the bottle - and has been painting the town red - for some time now. The concept was probably bolstered when Spain's Defense Minister Carme Chacon spoke to the press about Spain's armed forces adopting a more female-friendly redesign of military uniforms worn by women who serve in the Spanish armed forces back in September 4, 2008. Though it might seem odd to make the event press-worthy given that women have been an integral part of the world's armed forces for a better part of the 20th Century. Until you find out that the Spanish armed forces did not begin to admit women recruits until 1988. Thus female-friendly military uniforms being adopted by the Spanish military would be perceived as a Civil Rights victory for gender equality for Spain in the eyes of the increasingly progressive West.

As the spiritual home of chauvinism - based on everyone's perception of Spain's centuries-old somewhat Papist-leaning culture - this could be viewed as the Spanish nations most progressive Civil Rights movement to tackle gender bias in the workplace. It wasn't that long ago that a Spanish Civil War-era feminist movement called Mujeres Libres - or the Anarchist Women's Movement to us here in the English-speaking world was deemed to radical for the Franco-ruled Spain. Thus the "anarchist" tag of the Spanish gender equality movement.

In societies where the "Mother Tongue" requires a very gender specific grammatical structure, feminism will always be deemed as a radical political movement. Look at the current list of assassination victims of human rights advocates in Russia, don't you find it just a little bit odd that almost all of them were women. Maybe women are deemed to "dangerous" when it comes to revolutionary struggles, thus making a women-only Airsoft team not only an interesting and novel pastime, but also makes for very interesting warfare simulation scenarios as well.


  1. As women only Airsoft teams go, it is not only the novelty that makes it cool but also the politically radical chic as well. Remember that feminism is still too radical for some people, let alone Mujeres Libres, Anarchist Women's Movement of an all girl Airsoft team. And by the way, women tend to stick by the rules when it comes to established Airsoft rules of engagement.

  2. The main problem about all-girl Airsoft teams is that most "established" clubs don't have "female-friendly bathroom facilities".
    Please check out my Airsoft blog at

  3. If you ask me, we do need more female-friendly Airsoft clubs. Evading 6mm 0.2-gram mineral-filled polypropylene BB pellets flying at 400 feet per second knows no gender boundaries.
